Helping women secure higher paying and more fulfilling jobs so they can build the career they deserve.
I teach my clients how to use their skills and work experience to change careers, and significantly increase their income. Together we are ensuring women of colour become high earners and are more fulfilled in the corporate world.
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Inside Search To Secured, we help you use the skills and experience that you already have to get up to a £50k raise so you can become well paid and fulfilled in your career.
Buy the book, Job Search To Job Secured: A step-by-step guide for women who want to move to a more rewarding and fulfilling career in 90 days or less.
This book includes:
● Tools to help you decide which jobs, companies and industries align with your career goals
● A clear plan to approach job applications, conversations with recruiters and hiring managers, interviews and deciding which job offers to accept
● Checklists to keep you on track and accountable during your job search
● Actionable resources to help you every step of the way so you can secure a new job in 90 days or less
Let's make your job search a success so you can secure job offers that transform your career.
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